The Ampere project is a business aircraft fitted with distributed electrical propulsion designed by ONERA
The objectives are :
Monter en maturité de la technologie de propulsion distribuée électrique;
- To assess the feasibility and explore potential of all electric aircraft;
- To anticipate the major evolutions and disruptive concepts.

The key technologies are :
- A distributed propulsion;
- Command and control through the association of multi-motors and control surfaces;
- Modular architecture and in-flight reconfiguration capabilities of the overall electric propulsion system.
Ce projet est mené par l’ONERA sous financement CARNOT
Aviation Design was contacted to produce a wind tunnel model.
- Large size and light weight wind tunnel model scale 1/5;
- Model powered by 32 electric ducted fans;
- Model fitted with control surfaces and actuators;
- Molds milled by CNC in high density resin;
- Model fully molded in carbon fiber.
Tests were performed in the ONERA Lille L2 wind tunnel.